Let me think what has happened since the anniversary....
We spent the 4th with the family at the cabin at Cocolalla. It was a blast. Even mowing the lawn was kinda fun... haha! We went boating, tubing, ate lots of delicious food and just enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
On Thursday (around 36 hours after we'd left Kennewick) we got back into the car and drove to Kennewick yet again to begin our family vacation. We spent a week on the East Coast with my family seeing all the sights in D.C., New York City and Palmyra.
While in D.C. we visited the National Mall, quite a few of the Smithsonians (including the Zoo)
In New York City we ate at an amazing pizza place (best pizza any of us had ever had.)
Our flight home left D.C. at 6 in the morning on Saturday. Since we drove from D.C. to Manhattan and then to Palmyra, we had to make the trip back to D.C. to fly out. We wanted to have as much time in Palmyra as possible so we left around 6pm Friday night and our loving dad drove THROUGH THE NIGHT to get us to the airport in time. Needless to say, when we got home from the trip, we were quite exhausted. BUT... it was SO worth it.
What an amazing family. and trip. :)
Since the trip, Dallin and I have been picking berries, finsishing our 2000 piece puzzle, relaxing in the pool, exercising and starting to pack up our home in order to be ready to move out on the 6th of August. We can't believe our time here in Oregon is almost over, it seems like we just got here!