
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kylie Maddison Hague

Fair warning, this is going to be a somewhat detailed post.  It's also going to be from my point of view, not Cassie's.  She may have some additions/edits to what I have to say.  I'll leave that up to her :)  If you've only come here for the pictures, most are at the bottom.  Feel free to just scroll all the way down!

Here goes nothing...

Cassie preparing to leave for the hospital
    As you probably know, we’re going to have to move to Utah soon so I can finish up school, and because of that our doctor was willing to have Cassie induced August 13, even though her due date wasn’t until the 15th of August.  Well, I don’t know if it was Cassie's anxiety that made this happen or if it was all a choice of the baby's, but Kylie decided to go ahead and come on her own without getting induced.  It all started bright and early Monday morning.  Around 4:30 a.m. Cassie’s water broke and though she was sort of in denial that it actually happened I was able to convince her to call the doctor and double check with him.  He asked us to go ahead and come in to the hospital so they could check and confirm if her water really had broken.  Well, that was around 5:30, so we quickly got ready for the day and got to the hospital around 7 a.m.  It took a little while for the tests and everything to be done but by 8:30 we had been admitted to the hospital and were comfortably (or at least as comfortable as Cassie could get with the contractions she was having) in the delivery room.  After waiting for things to progress naturally for a while the nurse checked Cassie and she was only dilated to a 3.  That was a little disappointing considering she was at a 2 by the previous Monday, but we still had our hopes up that the whole thing wouldn’t take too long.  By noon the doctor started giving Cassie some oxytocin to help things progress.  During this time we kept ourselves busy by playing card games, watching a movie, and mostly talking about how much our life was about to change!  Around 2:45 Cassie's mom showed up.  It was great having her there as another support line during the whole event.  By 4:30 p.m. the nurse had increased the oxytocin dosage to the point where Cassie was in a lot of pain from the very consistent contractions she was having.  At that point she decided to get an epidural to help with the pain and by 5 the needle was in and the numbness was starting.  Around 5:30 we tried to get some rest because we had a feeling we might be in for a long night.  I fell asleep almost instantly (mind you I only got about 2 hours of sleep the night before and Cassie hardly got a wink!) but I don’t think she was able to sleep at all partially because she could still feel some tightness from the contractions, partially because I’m pretty sure she was extremely nervous that everything was finally happening.  The nurse came in around 8 to check how much Cassie had progressed.  We were hoping for at least a 7, but the nurse said she wasn’t expecting anything to happen until the next morning.  Boy was she surprised!!  She hardly found the cervix when she checked!  Cassie was dilated to a 9.5 and we were informed that pushing would most likely start in about an hour.  She was right!  Pushing started at about 9:20.  That first part was tough for Cassie!  She had a hard time getting Kylie's head (we Hagues tend to have big heads) past her pelvic bone.  When that finally did happen things ended pretty quickly and Kylie Maddison Hague, was finally born at 11:17 p.m., August 13, 2012.  And can I say that she was the cutest newborn I’ve ever seen? (No bias at all, right?)  The doctor immediately put her on mom’s chest to have some skin to skin time and then around 1 a.m. they came in to get her weight and height.  Kylie weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 21 in long.  Cassie did great during the whole labor and I must say, watching the birth was probably one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen.  Around 2:30 a.m. we were finally brought to our postpartum room in hope of getting some such eye.  That didn't really happen, but that's ok.  We spent a couple of days in the hospital and were discharged at around 11 a.m. on the 15th.  Now we're home trying to figure out life with a newborn!  Thank goodness we have Cassie's mom with us still, as well as the rest of her family.  They've been life savers!!!

The timing of this picture wasn't necessarily the best.  I took it right during one of Cassie's contractions.  lol!  I'm sure she appreciates it :)
Cassie felt like an old woman having to tote around her IV and other drugs
Cassie's first time holding Kylie!
My first time holding Kylie!
Our precious little angel
Fist family picture!  (we were a little tired :P)
Preparing to go home
We love all of her facial expressions!
We're home!


  1. Wow, that took a LONG time after her water broke! If it had taken me 2.5 hours to get to the hospital I would have been pushing before I got there, haha. I'm glad both mommy and baby are happy and healthy, I hope you guys are enjoying parenthood! P.S. You should check out my post on car seat safety, I SO wish someone had told me some of those things before I was on my third baby, lol!

  2. Yeah! Thank you for posting this Dallin! We haven't called ya because we know how busy and tired you are with your new little one! She is adorable and we think he looks just like Cassie! Cassie is amazing and we can't wait to see you guys this weekend.

  3. Wow, sounds like a long and painful labor! So glad Cassie is tough and she was able to handle it like a champ! Kylie is ADORABLE. Seriously perfect! I cannot WAIT to meet her and squeeze her! Congrats you two! You will be amazing parents!

  4. Congratulations! She is beautiful, and I love the name you chose! Enjoy every minute you have with her. She'll grow up so fast!


  5. Super Congratulations Cassie and Dallin! I love reading the birth stories, so thank you for sharing. So excited for you two to embark on the journey of parenting- so much joy!
