
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Locks of Love

I have never considered myself to be good with words, and I'm not always the best at expressing my feelings.... especially when it comes to really sensitive and personal things.

But I do feel that certain acts can attempt to express how I feel and what I want to say.

So here is my way of saying:
We love you and miss you Keith the Mighty.

We loved every minute spent with you. You brightened my day, and made me appreciate all the small things in life (like acting like a superhero and fighting off the bad guys.)


  1. This touched my heart so much. I too feel like I can't describe how I feel. I have been growing my hair out too and I'm hoping to donate it by Christmas. Thanks for sharing this Cassie! You look great by the way!

  2. Cassie your hair was (and is) beautiful. Thank you for your well expressed words and actions.
