
Friday, May 23, 2014

Command Center

I've been wanting some sort of command center for my kitchen for a while now... and I finally got it done! 

I am so in love with how it turned out. And it has DRASTICALLY decreased the amount of clutter that gathers on my island. Which is exactly why I wanted to make it!

I got the idea from here.
Here's a breakdown of what everything is:

  • A list for anything and everything... I found a printable online, but didn't want to pay for it... so I made my own. :) I use dry erase markers so the lists can be changed and erased as needed.
  • A weekly menu. I don't use the breakfast and lunch columns as much since we basically have cereal every day and sandwiches/quesadillas/leftovers for lunch. But it is AWESOME to know ahead of time what I am making for dinner. Find this printable here.
  • A file folder/mail holder. We got some plywood from my Grandma, and a frame from IKEA to match all the other frames... and whipped up this little beauty. Thank you amazing husband for your skills. :)
  • A holder for pens and keys. It's just a simple wood board, with mason jars attached by pipe clamps, and a few hooks. I originally had it white, but it was way too plain so I added some nice color. 
  • A changeable calendar. Again... IKEA frame and a bunch of paint chips from Lowes. The only permanent words are the days of the week. Everything else is written on the glass with dry erase markers so I can change the month/days/events/ etc.
  • And my favorite part!!! A metal string (it's actually a curtain rod/string from IKEA, can you tell we like that store?!) to hold Kylie's art, and other important pictures.
 Like this important one!
  • And the last piece is a empty frame for notes and reminders. 

Yup. It's true. We're expecting baby number two! I am 14 weeks and due November 22nd. I am feeling great, and baby is doing well. We are so excited!! Woohoo for being in the 2nd trimester!

So there ya have it.

The blank wall...

this was the only picture I had... Kylie has changed a little. lol!
And after we filled it!

And some random cuteness from the munchkin.

my two favorite hair twirlers
how Kylie likes to read scriptures
Kylie's favorite hiding spot.
And a new found spot...
Trying to copy uncle Andy's childhood hairstyle


  1. Love your command center. Want to come do mine? And awesome news with baby #2. Congratulations. Glad you are feeling good!

  2. Looks great! I have something like that in my pantry that I have loved-although mine isn't near as cool. :)

    And congrats!!! So happy for you guys!

  3. Congrats on baby #2! That is exciting.

  4. CONGRATS girly! You are due the day after my sister Apryl with second babies!
