
Monday, August 10, 2015

First week of vacay!

We were blessed to have 6 weeks of vacation this summer. (New perk of having a baby while working for Intel.)

So we partied hard.

The first week Dallin actually spent at high adventure with his young men. He had a fabulous time. Aside from being eaten alive by mosquitos. (As in it was so bad they left for home a day early.)

trying to cut through a tree with a rock.

The girls and I didn't want to be home alone, so we took the train to Kennewick. I got to see Jessica, who was home for her sister Whitney's wedding. What fun!! I helped with wedding stuff, went to a bachelorette party, and enjoyed the lovely reception.

Dallin and I celebrated our anniversary away from each other. I spent the day wondering if he was alive... he had told me there were a lot of bears where they were camping. And he was camping with the boys. We celebrated later. :)

Dallin meet us in Yakima on Saturday for a Hague family reunion. It was so great to see everyone!! It had been more than 5 years since Dallin had seen a lot of the family. We ate, swam, talked and ate some more.

And then we all headed back to Kennewick together. And that was the end of week one. :)

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