
Monday, March 7, 2011


Well... a week ago was Dallin's 23rd birthday!!

We were both extremely busy so we had to hold off on most celebrations until the weekend. But, we found a little time and ate a delicious dinner, opened a few presents and ate cake. (yes, I allowed a little diet rule-breaking.) I tried a new recipe and made Cinnabon Cake. It was quite delicious... especially since we haven't had sweets in a few weeks.

Thanks to everyone who sent Dallin texts, messages, stopped by and called to chat and sing to him. You made his day. :)

So after a very hectic week, the real birthday celebrations began!

Friday night we went out to dinner at Zupas. One of our favorite restaurants that also allows us to eat within the limits of the diet. Except for the free dessert they were giving away that night.... oops! Because of the free dessert deal the restaurant was packed! We ended up letting another couple share our table with us because so many people were standing around with no where to sit. (People were actually going outside to sit at those tables!!)

After dinner we went out to the movies. We decided to splurge and went to the REAL theatre. We saw Rango... neither of us can decide what we think of it. It had some funny parts, but I don't think I would watch it again. Oh well, it was still extremely fun.

Saturday was another fun-filled day. We started in the morning by picking up our Bountiful Basket.

Then we were off to work, next we watched the BYU basketball team become Champions!!!

We did a whole lot of bargain shopping, our fridge is literally FULL of fruits and veggies. (I don't think I've seen a fridge this full since I lived with 5 other girls my freshman year. The only difference is our food is all healthy! lol) Almost every item we bought was either on sale or we had a coupon... it was great!

One of my presents to Dallin was tickets to a Vocal Point concert.

The concert was awesome! I am always blown away by their talent, and by what those guys can do.

OH yes, we decided we didn't want to make dinner after the concert so... we went to Zupas again. haha! We will need to have a little more control this week.... but we just use the excuse that it was for Dallin's birthday and then we don't feel guilty! :)

Last night, to finish off the week, we decided to finally open up our coconuts and figure out what we are going to do with them. It was quite an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of coconuts... on vacation they did a little thing showing us how to open them (he did it in like 10 seconds) how to make the milk, and how to eat it. I thought of you guys and your basket when he said that nights food show was on coconuts :) We were also really surprised that they tasted more like nuts than the traditional coconut flavoring in most foods!
