
Friday, August 26, 2011

The 2 car garage

Yup, we've upgraded from the 1-car-garage-turned-studio into a 2-car-garage-turned-single-bedroom.

Things have been a little insane since we arrived in Provo on Monday afternoon. The couple that lived in the apartment before us weren't able to get their stuff out on time due to problems with the moving company, so we couldn't get our stuff into the apartment for a few days and got to sleepover with our great friends Brandt and Liz.

The house required quite a bit of deep cleaning and painting, but it's looking much better now. We spent our first night in the apartment on Thursday, 4 days after we'd gotten into town. Here's a few pictures of our first meal/night in the house. We felt like we were on the show Hoarders because there was so much stuff everywhere that we could hardly find room to set up our tv tray... what an adventure. :)

Dallin was very excited to resume unpacking after dinner.

He has good reason to be excited because this is what the apartment looked like...

This is all the furniture that was left behind.... we don't really have room for all of it... haha!

This is our home. Can you see where the garage doors were? And the huge dead branch threatening to fall on our roof at any minute? Don't worry we're taking care of it.

And thanks to Sydney and Nick who introduced us to the most delicious/massive snow cones in Provo, we've helped ourselves to them 3 times since we got into town... it's helped relieve stress, and cool us down. :) If you come to town (in the summer) we will definitely take you to Hokulias.


  1. Moving is no fun! Good luck! You will have to post some after pictures so we can see what you apartment looks like!

  2. Sometimes carports are being turned into a bedroom or an extension to a home especially when the family is getting bigger.

    carports Brisbane
