
Monday, September 23, 2013

The baby is ONE!

I know this is SOOOOO late... but we're going to try and do a recap/catch up of the last few months.

Kylie turned one on August 13th! We had a little party with the three of us, she loved the apple cake we made and was even helping open her gifts.

love the lips!!

She quickly got the hang of eating cake and opening gifts because she had 3 more parties over the next 2 weeks. haha! Great Grandma Miskho threw her a party, the Hague family had a party and Grandma Heath had a little party for Kylie as well. It was out of control and totally awesome!


She got spoiled, of course. You only have your first birthday once, right? :P

So here's her stats:

Weight: 17lbs. 12 oz.
Height: 28 in.
Head: 18.5 in.
Teeth count: 12
Clothing Size: 6 months to 9 months

Kylie started walking completely on her own, and is now ALL over the place. After she learned to walk, she decided it would be okay to crawl... so she started crawling. What a weirdo. haha!

She babbles all the time, and is starting to mimick some of the words Dallin and I say.

Kylie adores the piano. The other day we sat her on the bench and she literally played for 10 minutes. Dallin was so proud, and so was I. As soon as she hears one of us playing, she'll make her way to the piano, reach up and plunk a few keys, and then start pushing our hands away so she can show us up. LOVE IT!

I started making a list of the things Kylie understands or does... it got quite long... but here are a few: prayer, more, all done, high five, touchdown, smile, bath, sit down, peek-a-boo, kiss, pick one, goodbye, itsy bitsy spider, shake it, come here, fold your arms, around & around, wheels on the bus, nose, put it in the cup/bowl, etc.

She is quite smart, but of course she is... she takes after her daddy.

While we're talking about Dallin... the next photo is TOTALLY Dallin's doing... she walked around the room for like 2 minutes like this... completely confused and not being able to see.

poor thing... but so funny.
A few things she loves...

PB&J sandwiches



playing with her wallet and "credit cards"

walks and going to the park

 bath time 
she put those washcloths on her shoulders...
football (at least we like to think so)

and unloading anything and everything

More random cuteness.


so tired after all her walkin'


bed head
Kylie NEVER took a binky, but found one the other day and decided to try it out. They are now hidden.
We love our baby girl. What a wild year it has been.

punk rock, anyone?