
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3 Months.

Yes it's true. We have a three month old! She's growing up fast!

Kylie is so much fun to play with these days! And it's nice that she can entertain herself for an extended amount of time... so Mommy can get things done around the house. :)

Kylie can....

Smile and laugh

Coo and "talk"

Swat and grab anything that is put in front of her... and she usually brings it to her mouth

Sit up in the Bumbo

Support herself while standing... and Dallin is teaching her to walk.

Hold her head up.... she still doesn't like tummy time, but she is good at it.

Almost roll over...

Take naps!! And she seems to like to have the blanket over her head...

Recognize mine and Dallin's voices and gets really excited when Daddy comes home

Chew on her favorite chew toy... her fist :)

And match with her best bud. :)

We love Kylie so very much! She is just perfect and we can't believe she's been with us for 3 whole months.

Two days old...
Three months old.

You're the best baby girl!!


  1. Cassie,
    Congratulations! The time does go by so fast! Anders is five months next week and I would so love to slow the clock. Enjoy every minute!

  2. That video of her "walking" is hilarious! Like she really knew what to do! And that last picture is adorable! Can't wait for the holidays! Love you guys!
