
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend.

It was SOO wonderful to have Dallin home for the weekend!! It got me extremely excited for the
Christmas vacation that is quickly approaching. :)

The Saturday before Thanksgiving we had a fun cousin dinner with some of Dallin's cousins. Alix and Jake were driving through Provo on their way home to Arizona so we thought it would be a great reason to have one last cousin dinner with everyone. It was so fun! And we were glad they were all able to meet Kylie. (sorry... no pictures were taken.)

On Tuesday we were visited by Jessica and Todd Shannon. We hung out at the mall while we got new tires on the Jeep, and then we went out to lunch at Dickey's (free soft serve!!) and then back to our house to play some games. We were so glad they took some time to stop by and see us.

We spent Thanksgiving day with Brandt and Liz and their wonderful family in Cleveland, UT. They were so kind to invite us to spend the holiday with them, we felt like a part of the family.

We had a fabulous dinner,

 played frisbee, took naps, took a "family walk" to the cemetery, had a photo shoot of the Jensen's

 and did a White Elephant gift exchange. After the festivities in Cleveland came to an end... Dallin, Kylie and I headed home, and took a little detour to do some Black Friday Eve shopping.

We ventured out on Black Friday to continue our shopping... and completed MOST of our Christmas shopping. WOOHOO!! We were able to googlechat with the Hague family that evening. It was so great to see and talk to everyone! Audrey we are so sorry you couldn't see us!

On Saturday, we slept in (as much as Kylie would allow) and recovered a little from the craziness of the previous few days. That night we went to the BYU basketball game.

 It was totally crazy and loud. And SO MUCH FUN! Kylie did great! She was chillin' in her carseat for the majority of the first half. And then we held her for the second half.

Towards the middle of the second half Kylie realized how tired she was and there was nothing that would keep her from sleeping... even the screaming, chanting, etc. from the game. I was seriously impressed.

She woke up as soon as the game was over... what a goof.

Thanks for the tickets Dallan Moody!! We loved every minute. Dallin was especially thrilled to see Jabari Parker :)

After the game we put Kylie to bed and had our Christmas Decorating Party. We just couldn't wait any longer!! The house is so festive, and Kylie is mesmerized by the lights.

We love this season and have so much to be grateful for!!

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