
Monday, November 12, 2012

Let it SNOW

This weekend we had a TON of snow!!!!!!

We also had a whole lot of fun activities planned... and there was no way the snow was going to stop us. :)

Dallin had a mission reunion on Friday night. We met up and talked for a long time, and all the boys laughed at old inside jokes (while the wives politely laughed and pretended to have an idea of what was going on.) Then we all headed to Applebee's for dinner. We were a loud and rambunctious group. It was awesome.

Saturday morning we woke up to a lot more snow! We bundled up and headed to Dallin's intramural flag football game. THEY WON! Unfortunately Dallin's awesome interception ended up being overturned, but it was still a great play! They're in the Sweet 16!!

We headed home to warm up, and put Kylie down for a nap. Both Dallin and I were a little tired so we decided to close our eyes as well... thinking Kylie would be up in 30 minutes or so (like she usually is.) Little did we know, she would sleep for 3 hours and Dallin and I would get a 2 hour nap!! It was LITERALLY a miracle.

We ended the weekend by going to the BYU football game. We were SO glad to get tickets from Dallan Moody!! We had the neighbor watch Kylie and enjoyed a night with just the two of us.

We had to clear our seats of 6 inches of snow, but it was worth it!

We left after the 3rd quarter, because it was late and we were obviously going to win-- the score was 42-10. :) On our way out we found $12 worth of Cougar cash vouchers (basically like finding cash on the ground.) So we treated ourselves to a Cougar Tail and two hot chocolates.

The infamous Cougar Tail...
Going, going, gone.
It was the perfect end to the perfect weekend.

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