
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

We decided to go with a football theme this year.

Kylie made the most adorable football!!

Kylie and I met up with a few friends from the ward and went Trick-or-Treating to all the shops on University Avenue and Center Street. It was really fun! I wish we had known about this the past few years! (I thought a QB went better with a football than a cheerleader...)

Naturally Dallin had to take a few "actions shots" with our favorite little football.

She was thrilled... obviously. In Kylie's defense- we were taking these pictures around 11pm... so she was exhausted. :)



  1. LOVE IT! Kylie is the most adorable football. And the action shots of Dallin and Kylie are hilarious!

  2. Love, love, love the football theme! And your hair is adorable. I forgot to comment on the post where you shared that you cut it. That was so sweet and I know some lucky person will enjoy your beautiful hair!

  3. You guys are so fun for dressing up every year. Andy and I have gotten boring! Haha. Super cute idea, and your hair looks so good!
